Ariana Afghan Restaurant

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Name and Address

Approximate average meal cost per person (full dinner, no alcohol):
$ .00
Liquor license?
BYOB permitted?
Corkage fee:
$ .00
BYO notes:

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Name and Address

Approximate average meal cost per person (full dinner, no alcohol):
$ .00
Liquor license?
BYOB permitted?
Corkage fee:
$ .00
BYO notes:

134 Chestnut Street
(between South Letitia Street & South 2nd Street)
Philadelphia, PA 19106
View on map
(215) 922-1535
Web Site
Liquor License: unknown

One member had this to say:

Afghan cuisine, Kid-friendly.

Contributed on Saturday December 1, 2007 at 12:00 AM
